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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Portfolio Analysis

1. What was your favorite assignment this year?
My favorite assignment this year is the HDR photo. I especially enjpyed this project because of the cool effects that were placed on the photo. I also like the unique ways to alter the photo, while still having the orignal images intact.

2. If you were telling an eight grader about this class, what would you tell them?
If I were to tell an eight grader about this class I would explain the daily procedures that occur each class period. I would also explain the amount of time spent writing and looking this up on the computer. If the eight grader where to appericate taking photos and writing.

3. Which photo that you took was your favorite this year?
My favorite photo that I took this year was the photos from my Beauty in Nature Yearbook page. I especially like the photos of the tulip and the yard photo with a frame around it. 

4. Why was that photo your favorite?
These are my favorite photos because photography rules are evident. I also like that both photos are taken with correct lighting and interesting view points. I also like the fact that I was able to capture the moment and not have it the least bit blurry.

5. What rules of photography did you follow in that photo?
In one photo I used rule of thirds and simplicty. While in the other I have a tire as a frame and simplictiy as well. Both photos are cool looking.

6. What was your least favorite photo you took this year?
My least favorite photo that I took this year is the Yummy photo.This photo is located in the footprints,yummy, eight, the end, pause, connected, and pose.

7. Why was it your least favorite?
This photo was my least favorite because the photo is really out of focus. There are no photography rules and the lighting is just okay. There was no effort put into this photo.

8. What one thing will you take from this class into the real world with you?

One thing that I can use in the real world, that I learned this year from this class is that though things don’t alwasys go as planned, but thats no reason to give up. This class has thought me the way to interact with people on a photography level. I also learned how to see the world differntly and for the better.

Photo Illustrations

Monday, May 11, 2015

HDR Photography

 1) Some manipulations I will need is to capture a variety of pictures that have a different ISO, aperture and shutter speed for each one.
2)Some materials I will need is a tripod to make sure each picture lines up with each other. It would be best to have a Auto Exposure Bracketing setting on the camera.
3) A reason to take an HDR image is for the front page of the National Geographic.
4)What we might not have seen in one photo is the difference in light and darker areas.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Big Day

On March 11 of the year 2015, an unluckily best man, Mark Twain,  finds himself behind some challenging obstacles. Preventing him from arriving to the wedding on time. Twain speeds himself through the what seems like endless small towns, till he finally reaches the city, where the wedding is taking place. In the city of Atlanta, the best man rushes in the church, only to come face to face with the bride and groom in the middle of their vows.

Who: A young man running late
What: Is running late to the wedding
Where: The wedding is in a church in a forest type atmosphere
When: Rainy, damp day
Why: He got stuck behind obstacles such as trailers, and trains
How: Drove his Volkswagen - Jetta to the wedding
In the first scene there is a man driving a car in an area with lots of open land; while there is light sprinkling weather. (man has his windshield wipers on).There are cloudy skies.The man is nervous. The road curves constantly.
 The bride is getting ready with the help of her bridesmaids and has a man(her father) sitting in a near by chair watching. The priest( holds a bible) and another man(older) are talking behind the bride. Driver now is located in a forest atmosphere. Still damp. Man is worried about time. Gets stuck behind trailer momentarily.

On a wet day, a young man between his early 30's and mid 30's drives his Volkswagen on a mission to get to a wedding in a forest type atmosphere. Unfortunate for the young man he has trouble controlling hills temper when he gets stuck behind a passing train. Though late he shows up to the wedding as the wedding couple has already taken their place and has started the traditional process of marriage.

The mysterious young man that is rushing to get to the wedding in time is finally identified. Though many have their own opinions on his character, there is specific evidence on who he is.

 Journalist Grace Holloway discovered through inside sources, that the young man was in fact James Cuban. Cuban currently holds the title of top-leading household name for designer kitchen utensils.

" As I got closer I began to depicter the man as the one and only James Cuban," insider Erica Granger squealed.

Not only was Cuban unfashionably late, but was got in the middle of the wedding transaction involving the vows.

"Some would say perfect timing, but I don't think the bride and groom were entirely happy,"friend of the groom, Ashley Daniels respond.

It was told that the bride turned an awful shade of red, while the groom was just somewhat confused and surprised.

"Yeah, he had no right to even come [to the wedding], he didn't even get invited," Erica Granger announces about James.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Final Exam Preview Assignment

Website 2)
The woman explained the steps on how to create an iMovie and set up the clips to edit. The woman taught her audience to add breaks in between the clios, delete clios, and add clips. The woman instructed beginners guide on how to operate the strings of iMovie. The woman also explained the process of how to export the finished product and share on the internet.
2) One thing I already knew about iMovie was how to delete slides.
3) One thing I learned in the video was how to export the video and share with others.
4) I'm concerned that I might not collect enough good footage to complete the entire 90 seconds.
5) I'm  confident that I will be able to develop the skills necessary to complete the project.
6) I think I might take my video about the new life on my baby cousin.

Website 3)
2) One thing I already knew was that to import files, one must click on the import button to open them.
3) One thing I learned in the article is how to trim clips efficiently.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Nut Graf

Nut Graf-  A paragraph that explains what the story's about. It informs the reader why they should continue reading. Its usually the second paragraph, following the lede. Though it can be combined with the lede. The Nut graf hopes to provide insight into the news through incisive news reporting, editorials and commentaries.

Student of the Month Story

Who- Grayson H.
What- Earned the Student of the Month
Where- Bowie High School
When- This month
Why- For helping fellow classmates cheat on test
How- Letting them see his test

Mr Reeves. Realizing my previous mistakes I have altered my story to meet the requirements. This is similar to the one graded, but with the correct format.

This month, a freshman Bowie student, earned the title Student of the Month for helping classmates cheat on tests. Grayson H. snuggled his test into the hands of his classmates, to help them receive higher grades. The school has recognized his sneakiness with the title of Student of the Month.

Confusingly Grayson has stolen the Student of the Month title; based on previous actions one might perceived that he cheated to get the award itself.

"I say I worked pretty hard to earn the title," Greyson announced.

Only a freshman and Grayson H. has earned the title of Student of the Month. Unsure of his future, he is working his way to earned another one, though he doesn't believe he will ever earn the title again.

"I was surprised to have earned the title in the first place," Greyson stated.

Though still young with many years of schooling left, Grayson has already openly admitted his distaste for following school rules. He choose to otherwise, improve the grades of others by giving out the correct answers to every assignment they need assisting.

"My parents have no idea that I have received the title The Student of the Month,"Grayson announced.

Rather than inform his parents of the actions he takes place in, he decides to hide his new-found skill of cheating without consequences. Since the staff hasn't been able to detect his sneaky cheating skills, they have rewarded him with the title.

"All my friends have openly agreed that Im now super awesome" Grayson said happily.

School Uniforms

Topic: School Uniforms
Interview the students, the professors, the and a member of  the school board.
Questions to Ask:
1)What made you decide the need for school uniforms?-School Board
2)How would you describe the new uniforms?-Student
3)What if any effects will the uniforms have on the students?-Professors/School Board
4)What's your opinion on the uniforms?-Student
5)Why do you believe the school board changed the dress code?-Student
6)For what reason did you begin to discuss the topic of dress code?-School Board
7)For how long will the dress code be in act?-School Board
8)What limits are faced with the new dress code?-Students
9)What purpose do the new uniforms hold?-School Board
10)How will the rules be enforced?-School Board
11)Do you think the new uniforms will have any impact on student learning?-Professor
12)How will you personalize your uniform? -Student
13)Do you think the uniforms will encourage more productivity in class?-Student
14)What would you do to discourage the continuation of the uniforms?-Student
15)What would become of the students who can't afford the uniforms?-School Board
16)How will you manage the coordination of the uniforms?-Student Board
17)How will you distribute the uniforms?-School Board
18)Would the uniforms be recycled throughout the years or opt for a new one?-School Board
19)How would you consider joining the students by having to wear a uniform as well?-Professor
20) How did you feel when learning about the new uniforms?-Professor

Invented Pyramid

Monday, April 13, 2015

My first interview

Topic:Student of the Month
1)How did you earn the title? By helping kids cheat on test
2)How did you spend your weekdays/weekends to earn the title? Nothing besides sleep
3)What did you feel when you received this title? Surprised
4)How did your parents react? They don't know
5)How did your parents encourage you to achieve? They didn't
6)What went through your mind when you came to the realization that you won the title? I thought that this was impossible
7)What rewards are there for being the student of the month? The attention and free chocolate cookies
8)How did your peers react?They thought I was super awesome
9)Your teachers? Seemed shocked/ surprised
10)Do you find others looking up to you? Yeah
11)Whats the likelihood of you earning the title again? Slim to none
12)Does this title push you to accede in all your classes? Not really
13)What purpose do you think this award has on people? Gives people help to do whatever they were doing
14)Why do you think the school promoted this award? So they fill more pages in the yearbook
15)What's the significance of the title? Tradition first started when a kid jumped off a building and survived.
16)What activities do you do outside of school?Brag that I received the student of the month.
17)How did the clubs your apart of respond? I'm not apart of any clubs
18)What study habits do you find most effective? Writing down the answers on your hand
19)How does your social skills encourage success for this title? Asking people if they need help on test.
20)How did you earn the title? Academics or Athletics, or through overall good personality? Good personality. 

Architecture Shoot

Angles and Shape





Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Turning Torso- Architecture Shoot Preview 2

 This photo shows the element of light. There is light shining on the very bottom pane on this photo. There is a reflection on the windows.
 This photo shows surroundings. The photo not only includes the building, but the building around it.
 This photo shows pattern. Though the building isn't perfectly straight, there is pattern when concentrating on the doors and windows.
This photo shows angles and shapes. The photo illustrates the right angles within the building and there are many, many rectangular shaped windows.
This picture shows detail. The photographer had to have gotten really close to the building itself in order to capture this photo.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

iPhone Photos Warm Up

1) My favorite photo is the one where the photographer, wearing red shoes, stands on the sidewalk looking down onto the street filled with puddles.
2) No, it doesn't seem like these were all taken with a photo
3) I think the apps that the photographers used add special effects on the photo such as, grayscale and changing the lighting slightly.
4) Some tips that might help on my photography with a phone is to get a good perspective and a good angle to take a good photo.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Architecture Preview

Eden Project, UK
Architect:Nicholas Grimshaw
Built in: Opened on March 17, 2001
Located:Cornwall, England in a reclaimed Kaolinite pir
Private?: No, public
Cost to build: £ 56 million
Reason for building: To bring people and plants together to create memorable stories.
Choose this building(paragraph): I choose to list this place for the unique building choice and for my love of nature. I am charmed with the fixation of this magical place. I think that this serves a valid purpose for people to be more involved with nature and make other aware of the natural beauties the Earth holds.

Turing Torso, Sweden
Architect: Santiago Calatrava
Built in: Completed on 27 August, 2005
Located: Lilla Varvsgatan 14, 211, 15
Private?: Public apartments
Cost to build: Around $220 million USD
Reason for building: To restore the Malmo skyline after the 130 meter high Kockumskran crane was demolished.
Choose this building(paragraph): The reason I choose this piece of architecture is because it has a new, fresh way of designing a building that usually would be a plain, boring one. I like that the people who live in Sweden have a choice of renting a place such as this one, with a great view of the open body of water.

Krzywy Domek( The Crooked House), Poland
Architect: Szotyscy & Zaleski
Built in: Completed in 2004
Located: 53 Bohaterów Monte Cassino St. in lower Sopot 
Private?: Public, used to conduct business mainly for rental space and commercial real estate
Cost to build: Not available
Reason for building: To bring to life a fairytale from the illustrations and drawings of Jan Marcin Szancer and Per Dahlberg
Choose this building(paragraph): I choose this building as one of my five because I truly love the creatively the architects used to create this building. I enjoy the fact that they transferred a fictional place to a reality. I believe this would be an enchanting place to visit for pure amusement and interesting photos.

Cubic House, Netherlands 
Architect: Piet Blom
Built in:1984
Located: Rotterdam, Netherlands
Private?: Very much Public.
Cost to build: Not available
Reason for building: Rotterdam asked for a design of housing on top of a pedestrian bridge.
Choose this building(paragraph): Blom imagined a forest of by allowing each cube represent an abstract  tree; the whole village becomes a forest in his mind. These world-famous housing areas spark a twist on the regular houses, giving people looking for a place to call home a different alternative.

Stone House, Guimaraes, Portugal
Architect: Unknown
Built in: 1974
Located: In the Fafe mountains of northern Portugal
Private?: Private Building/ House
Cost to build: Not Available
Reason for building: As a family's rural retreat
Choose this building(paragraph): Not only is the house made out of stone, but the fireplace, furniture, and swimming pool are carved out of large rocks. This is an eco friendly living environment for great opportunities with families. This house though appears rustic, is quite cozy on the inside with comfortable necessities for living.

Sensory Overload

1) I think this statement is true when talking about people defending something they are closely attached to, like their city/ home town. Most people take pride in their surroundings even if the objects/ architeacture don't resemble much. As a photographer, I understand how this photographer finally came to the understanding of the place he has been documenting, though the appearance is somewhat different and unique to what he was used to.
2) When I look through these pictures I kind of want to shoot there because of the brightly colored objects and try to understand the view-point locals see.
3) I think the childhood would be very imaginative and creative because there is just so many toys and objects to play with.
4) My favorite photo is the one where the mother is talking with her daughter inside a place that sells decorative platters.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Warm Up - 3/12

1) This is part of a winning sports photography portfolio because typically the team celebrates their victory by pouring water or Gatorade onto the coach.
2) Shutter speed is a setting on a camera to either slow down or speed up the amount of light a camera lens can process. Shutter speed is used manly to capture quick movements.
3) I suppose this a key moment if the team just won state.
4) This is the probable outcome of a win.
5) Some photography techniques in this picture are rule of thirds and depth of field.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

News Value

Human Interest.
This article is human interest because it makes the readers feel emotionally involved in the situation, the man is facing. Eric Muller speaks of his sister, who was killed while in hostage of Islamic State, at a memorial to tell America of the sister he grew up to raise concern in the government.  http://digital.olivesoftware.com/Olive/ODE/AustinAmericanStatesmanNIE/
Brother: Swap raised Mueller freedom stakes

This article is novelty because it grabs readers interest by showing the compassion of some middle school students willing to dedicate time to shop for those in need and give beach to the community. At the Dollar Tree readers are interested in the unusual event that middle schools don't usually commit. http://digital.olivesoftware.com/Olive/ODE/AustinAmericanStatesmanNIE/
Gorzycki students go shopping for families facing cancer care

This article explains new facts about how the U.S and Iran are having progress on Tehran's nuclear activities that have been in action for 10 years. This bring up new facts that the press has just released and informs the reader on the topic.
U.S-Iran nuclear deal could be taking shape

This article shows proximity because it talks about how Capital Metro in austin will host a Gear Talk Workshop to use bikes with a transit and gather information for planning and improving. Since the event is taking place in Austin, it is considered proximity.
Capital Metro to host workshop on cycling 

This is prominence because it highlights the importance and events of Mayor Adler has recently attended. He speaks to inform his followers of his proposals for finding ways to gain money for additional positions in mayor's office.
Mayor Changing course is right move

This shows impact because it shows the reactions of those who disagree with the Superintendent Paul Cruz. Parents complain about how the school board has violated the public trust when they changed the process and added Cruz to the board.
Group protests hiring of Cruz

This shows conflict because Perry and the court interact in a negative way after Perry was prosecuted and forced to far the charges charged against him. Michael McCrum is his apposing force, who is convinced to prove that Perry threatened to strip money from the Public Integrity Unit of the Travis County. 
Perry again seeks to dismiss 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Lone Star Dispatch Issue 4

Front Page: Cancer diagnosis doesn't stop Gomez
Who: Roberto Gomez
What: Bowie theatre teacher discovers he has cancer
Where: A tumor in the left lobe of the liver
When: Surgery took place on November 7
Why: Surgery was unsuccessful, but had many ex-students, loved ones, coworkers, and ex-coworkers reach out supportively.
How: Through social media Gomez was able to communicate with the hundreds of people he had loss contact with through out the years.
Who was quoted in the story: Rachael Gomez and Lauren Gomez.
Strongest quote: "Now, his ex-students from over 30 years of teaching are reaching out and the communities in the valley have been so supportive. You don't really think of things like tat until it happens." Rachael Gomez.
Lead sentence: Sort of, it was kind of wordy and filled with information
Conclusion: Statement

Student Life: You love em', hate em', but date em'
Who:High school students in a relationship
What: The struggle to keep balance between school, friends, family, and girl/boyfriend.
Where: In any high school
When:During the school year
Why:To learn when to separate homework and friends/the person in a relationship
How: By learning how to make time for everyone in your life and still be able to complete all necessary work.
Who was quoted:Anna Ambrosino, Ethan Long, Alejandro Garcia,
Strongest quote:"The biggest problem I see every year is that when two people get in a relationship, one or both of them become so obsessed and infatuated with their new "love" of their life that everything else becomes an after-thought." Garcia
Lead Sentence:Yes the lead sentence made me want to continue reading the article.

News:Texas Country Youth Show features fierce competition
Who: Students in FFA competing their animals in the competition.
What:Texas County Youth Show
Where:Travis Country Expo center
When: January 15-18
Why:To win ribbons, and get their animal auctioned from placing.
How: By showcasing their animal and talking to the judges.
Who was quoted: Samantha Robarts, Kate Buning, and Luke Fisher.
Strongest quote:"I loved being at TCYS but it was super exhausting and I had to make up tons of work and catch up on a lot of sleep and rest."Robarts
Lead Sentence:Not really, it was more informational than anything.

Sports:World Champion hits the target
Who:Brooke Landry
What: Highest ranked female knife thrower in the world
Where:Part of the International Knife Throwers Hall of Fame
When:Since age 5
Why:To make make her father father proud and bond with him.
How:By reaching a score of 200.
Who was quoted: Brooke Landry and Gillian Sittler
Strongest quote:"She was the youngest person to break 200. She was for awhile the highest ranked knife thrower in the world and one of the youngest." Sittler
Lead Sentence:Yes

Entertainment: Trivia Crack 'Craze'
Who: High school teens
What: A new game has kids learning new facts about the world in a fun way
Where:Throughout the School
When:This school year
Why:Its challenges all people against there friends and family.
How: Questions each player until they get all six characters
Who was quoted:Nicole Zahorik, Minh-Thi Nguyen, Marco Moreno, and Yelenna James
Strongest quote:"I also love the challenge aspect where you are able to go head to head against your friends and test your general knowledge." Zahorik
Lead Sentence:Yes

Commentary: North Korea opening new film studio
Who:North korean Hackers
What:Hacked Sony and blackmailed them by putting up movies before the release date
Where: North Korea
When:end of year 2014
Why:Because the movie disrespected their leader and worshiper
How:By taking control of the media and posting the movies online
Who was quoted:No one
Strongest quote: wasn't one
Lead Sentence:Yes

In-Depth: Hands free cell phone policy
Who: Citizens of Austin, 18 years and older
What: New policy that prohibits the use of any electronic hand held device while operating a vehicle or bicycle
Where: Austin, Texas
When: January 1, 2015
Why: To create less accidents.
How: By enforcing the people through $500 fines.
Who was quoted: Marielle Lopez, Lauren Guilette, and Stacy Stacher
Strongest quote:"It promises to be successful way to prevent a lot of texting related accidents. I personally haven't known anyone who was involved in texting related accidents but I've read some of the studies on them and agree that it is important to prevent these accidents." Stacher
Lead sentence:Yes
Conclusion: Quote

1) My favorite photo in the entire paper is the tech lights behind the senses photo.
a) This is my favorite because it is really cool looking and shows depth within the picture.
b) There is pattern and balance in the photo.

2) My least favorite pictures in the entire newspaper are the softball picture and the wrestling picture.
a) They aren't quality photos because they are really blurry and out of focus.

3) If I was a photographer on staff, I would probably like to do the the entertainment issue and cover the movie aspect of it.

4) The photography in the issue was around a 5. The strong points were the photos of the play Evita and the weak points were definitely of the athletics department.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Other High School Newspapers

1) My favorite newspaper front page is HiLite because it really looks professional and captures my attention with the unique way of writing a headline. I also like the way the picture shows both the american flag and the young girl.
2) The newspaper captured my interest the most by its classic organization and it's advanced look.
3) My favorite headline is Female( the only headline on this cover). It does interest me thought, because its is an important topic with an interesting description of the article.
4) There is a lack of multiple stories on the front page.
5) All the high school newspapers have a bold title of the newspaper and headline, picture, text, information about story, date, high school, location, and volume number.
6) Things that vary are the layout, font sizes, number of stories, number of pictures, and whether it is hand drawn, computer generated, or a photograph.
7) Some of the layouts where similar to the daily newspapers but not exact. On the high school newspapers there isn't always multiple headlines and stories; while on a professional newspaper there is always multiple headlines and stories.

1) Tom Tom
2) Highlights
3) The Eagle's Eye

1) Talis Man
2) The Northmen's Leg
3) The image

1) Hi+ Life
2) The Herald
3) Dart


Headlines: a head of a newspaper store or article usually printed in large type and giving the gist of the story or article that follows.

Subheadlines: a subordinate division of a title or heading

Lines: a continuous extent of length, straight or curved, without breath or thickness; the trace of a moving point.

Boxes: part of a newspaper or periodical set off in some manner, as by lines, a border, or white space.

Photos: photography of newsworthy events

Teaser: a short item, a headline, pr photo with caption referring to promoting a news article or feature on inside pages

Flag: a statement printed in all issues of a newspaper, magazine, or the like, usually on the editorial page, giving the publication's name, the names of the owner and staff, etc.

Captions: words printed above or below a picture or newspaper or on a television screen to explain what the picture is showing.

Folios: the number of each page together with the date and the name of the newspaper.

Stories: a news report of any length, usually presented in a straightforward style and without editorial comment.

Bylines: a printed line accompanying a news story, article, or the like , giving the author's name.

Jumps: What an article does when it continues, unfinished, from one page to another

Story dividers: Divides the different articles through lines

Screens:To overprint or print in another color

Info graphics: Used to show the weather, as well as as maps, site plans, and graphs for statistical data.

Masthead/staff box: The listing in a newspaper or periodical of information about its staff, operation, and circulation.

Front Pages of the World

1) My favorite newspaper front page is Mail Tribune's Snapshots in Time. I like this newspaper because it travels back to tone past while still focusing on current events in the side lines. I also like the way the photos seem to jump out at the viewer and grabbing my interest instantly.
2) My favorite headline is Snapshots in Time because it stands out and interests me to read the story with it's interesting pictures and topic. I'm interested in this story because I would like to know what made the newspaper decide to put something of the past on the front.
3) Though there are only 5 total headlines on the front page, only 2 of them interest me to read.
4) All newspaper front cover's have headlines, pictures, text, the date, the company, the price, and the place the newspaper was published. They typically have the main story with the most pictures or the largest picture and larger font size. The other stories are also typically on the the side lines of the newspaper.
5) Some things that vary from different newspapers are the colors, stories, layout, advertisement, and font types for headlines.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Yearbook Introduction

25 Yearbook Elements:
1) Major showings at or around school
2) Athletic section
3) Any and all awards for the school
4) Student leadership members
5) Unique after/before school clubs
6) Big events throughout the year
7) Cool fundraisers for the school
8)Team photos
9) Band/ musical programs
10) Unique personal stories of attendants at school
11) Surveys
12) Favorites
13) Best students
14) Marathons hosted
15) Fertility Groups
16) Dances
17) Graduating Class
18) Student Body photos
19)  Staff members
20) Glossary
21) Table of Contents
22) Fundraising advertisement
23)Notes from the Editorial Staff
24) Pictures of the university
25) Sports in action

University of Texas
Side notes/ cliff notes, page numbers, quotes, photo credits
6 sections
My favorite spread is about designing a work of art( pages 228-229)
Yes there is an index
Yes there are photos of groups of people in organizations/ clubs
Yes, there is a table of contents.
Roughly more more or less than 7440. Belongs to the class of 2006.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Magazine Cover Peer Review

The magazine I looked at was titled Bijou.
The creator's name is Jacquelyn.

In this magazine I liked the photograph and the way the magazine's subject added something different by applying rhinestones to her face. I also like the unique name.

I think that if the creator would have move the title right above the girl's head, it wouldn't look so distracting and cut off.

I picked this cover because of the how the creator took time to make her magazine different by coming up with a new approach to portraits. The first time I saw this magazine I was instantly attracted to the rhinestones on the girl's face.

Yes, there is a bar code.

They creator could have improved their magazine by making their text slightly larger for their headlines, because they are hard to read and don't stick out.

I think this could either be a self portrait or a portrait because I don't know what the blogger looks like.

Prompt Shoot Peer Review


I liked the Pause photo the best because it is really graceful and appealing to look at. It also follows rule of thirds and has pod lighting.

My least favorite photo is the connected photo because the fingers just look really awkward and uncomfortable.

I think the pictures overall are taken well and each follow the rules of photography. The photos for the most part are unique and original.

Overall I think the photographer could position their human subjects in a more creatively.

The photographer portrayed Pause the best because the view can easily tell that the setting is completely still.

I think they least successfully portrayed The End because the image didn't really make sense together, especially since I believe the world will end with out trees because everyone keeps chopping them down.

Friday, January 9, 2015

5 Websites

10 Photography Resolutions for the New Year

On this website, the main ideas are based on the blogger's New Year's Resolutions and how to become a better photographer. Some of the Resolutions are how to start keep up with all the images taken and how to be more open about showing one's images. It also includes goals the photographer hopes to do this coming year.

On this website I learned that it is wiser to ask for help from professionals instead of being intimidated by them, because they have had more experience and can advise you for the better.

I choose this photo because it fits the time of year and its cool how snow is captured in this photo along with the girl.

In this photo I see simplicity and balance.

This photo was taken by Jenna Martin.


On this website there are ways a photographer can get the basics and intermediate of style in a photo. It also explains the break down of how to understand the concept of stylish photos. The elements of style are line, shape, form, color, and pattern.

I learned that when thinking of your photos, you should mostly be thinking of how you want people to react to your photos and what words would describe them.

I choose this photo because I enjoy the seriousness and dark look it gives off.

In this photo I see simplicity and a lot of pattern.

Robin Walker took this photo.

Photos Everyone Should Know How to Make


On this magazine I looked at 6 types of ways to take cool photos that can improve one's way of taking photos. There are tons of tricks and tips to how one should take certain types of pictures and how to avoid costly expenses.

I learned the correct way to create an optical illusion by knowing how to distance the foreground and the background. I also learned the difficulties of combing two pictures to create a double exposure portrait photo.

I choose this photo because I like the way the photographer/ editor crafted the photo to merge together the way it did and still have the same form of a girl.

In this photo I see rules of simplicity and possibly some pattern.

The photo was taken by Brian Tomlinson.

The Oldest Living Thing In The World


This website is about how a photographer traveled the world to photograph organism 2,000 years and older. By partnering with biologist to document some of the oldest elements still alive on this Earth.

I learned that millennia- old organisms have never been created in the arts or sciences. I also learned that capturing and traveling the world on a mission takes years to complete.

I choose this photo because of the thickness and green the tree contains. I also like the development and strength the tree has.

I see simplicity and balance in this photo.

Rachel Sussman took this photo.

Great Portraits


This website is about how to take better portrait with use 7 straight forward tips with models. The tips are based on photo shoots using a model where the position and where there eyes on matter depending on the message the photographer is trying to send.

I learned how professionals can change a models facial features and skin tone through editorial marks on the computer.

I can use this in my photojournalism class by knowing how to position my subjects when going for a portrait.

The website doesn't really talk about the specific program it is using when doing before and afters but it does go into detail about how a portrait can be better by having them not look directly into the camera.

Photo Shoot 3



Monday, January 5, 2015

2014 Favorites

Tove Lo- Habits
 I choose this as my favorite song of 2014 because it has a nice beat and I didn't really seem to mind the radio's extensive use of this song. I also like Tove Lo's voice and it puts my mind at ease though the lyrics tell a depressing story. 2014 has gone and this song reminds me of what young people were like and still like; I'm guessing.

ISIS- Durning 2014 a topic that was most talked about was the current actions of ISIS. ISIS is a growing group of men looking to pose a threat by killing and injuring people to show their power. This is the most important news story from 2014 because its a growing problem that effects not only the U.S but the whole world. 
Maleficent- Is a Disney movie that shows the point of view of the witch that casts a curse on Aurora from Sleeping Beauty. In this movie it shows the insight of what it was like growing up and the lessons she has learned. This is my favorite movie from 2014 because of the great story line and because it keep me interested and fascinated. 

Biggest entertainment story:
 The Death of Robin William was a tragic event most talked about it the U.S. He brought great joy to his fans through his funny movies and shows. This is my favorite entertainment story of 2014 because I really enjoyed his work and will forever remember the great times i had while watching his movies. 
John Green is described as my favorite person from 2014 because of the interesting pieces of work he has created and the movie that has come out from his book The Fault in Our Stars. His writing is not only creative but written in a way where it is hard to put the book down.

My holiday:
One thing that happened on my holiday that I remember is watching a lot of movies on Netflix and eating a lot of good food.
My resolution for the year 2015 is to start exercising more and eating healthier.
In 2015, I'm looking forward to reading new books and trying out new and different things in my life. 

Three Favorites

 I like this photo because of the heartwarming story of the protestors made for Eric Garner and  Michael Brown on the interstate.
 I like this photograph for its use of balance and story the photo shows of the unfortunate drought this city is experiencing.
I like this photo because of its uniqueness and creative use of the bodies of people and position.