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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

News Value

Human Interest.
This article is human interest because it makes the readers feel emotionally involved in the situation, the man is facing. Eric Muller speaks of his sister, who was killed while in hostage of Islamic State, at a memorial to tell America of the sister he grew up to raise concern in the government.  http://digital.olivesoftware.com/Olive/ODE/AustinAmericanStatesmanNIE/
Brother: Swap raised Mueller freedom stakes

This article is novelty because it grabs readers interest by showing the compassion of some middle school students willing to dedicate time to shop for those in need and give beach to the community. At the Dollar Tree readers are interested in the unusual event that middle schools don't usually commit. http://digital.olivesoftware.com/Olive/ODE/AustinAmericanStatesmanNIE/
Gorzycki students go shopping for families facing cancer care

This article explains new facts about how the U.S and Iran are having progress on Tehran's nuclear activities that have been in action for 10 years. This bring up new facts that the press has just released and informs the reader on the topic.
U.S-Iran nuclear deal could be taking shape

This article shows proximity because it talks about how Capital Metro in austin will host a Gear Talk Workshop to use bikes with a transit and gather information for planning and improving. Since the event is taking place in Austin, it is considered proximity.
Capital Metro to host workshop on cycling 

This is prominence because it highlights the importance and events of Mayor Adler has recently attended. He speaks to inform his followers of his proposals for finding ways to gain money for additional positions in mayor's office.
Mayor Changing course is right move

This shows impact because it shows the reactions of those who disagree with the Superintendent Paul Cruz. Parents complain about how the school board has violated the public trust when they changed the process and added Cruz to the board.
Group protests hiring of Cruz

This shows conflict because Perry and the court interact in a negative way after Perry was prosecuted and forced to far the charges charged against him. Michael McCrum is his apposing force, who is convinced to prove that Perry threatened to strip money from the Public Integrity Unit of the Travis County. 
Perry again seeks to dismiss 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Lone Star Dispatch Issue 4

Front Page: Cancer diagnosis doesn't stop Gomez
Who: Roberto Gomez
What: Bowie theatre teacher discovers he has cancer
Where: A tumor in the left lobe of the liver
When: Surgery took place on November 7
Why: Surgery was unsuccessful, but had many ex-students, loved ones, coworkers, and ex-coworkers reach out supportively.
How: Through social media Gomez was able to communicate with the hundreds of people he had loss contact with through out the years.
Who was quoted in the story: Rachael Gomez and Lauren Gomez.
Strongest quote: "Now, his ex-students from over 30 years of teaching are reaching out and the communities in the valley have been so supportive. You don't really think of things like tat until it happens." Rachael Gomez.
Lead sentence: Sort of, it was kind of wordy and filled with information
Conclusion: Statement

Student Life: You love em', hate em', but date em'
Who:High school students in a relationship
What: The struggle to keep balance between school, friends, family, and girl/boyfriend.
Where: In any high school
When:During the school year
Why:To learn when to separate homework and friends/the person in a relationship
How: By learning how to make time for everyone in your life and still be able to complete all necessary work.
Who was quoted:Anna Ambrosino, Ethan Long, Alejandro Garcia,
Strongest quote:"The biggest problem I see every year is that when two people get in a relationship, one or both of them become so obsessed and infatuated with their new "love" of their life that everything else becomes an after-thought." Garcia
Lead Sentence:Yes the lead sentence made me want to continue reading the article.

News:Texas Country Youth Show features fierce competition
Who: Students in FFA competing their animals in the competition.
What:Texas County Youth Show
Where:Travis Country Expo center
When: January 15-18
Why:To win ribbons, and get their animal auctioned from placing.
How: By showcasing their animal and talking to the judges.
Who was quoted: Samantha Robarts, Kate Buning, and Luke Fisher.
Strongest quote:"I loved being at TCYS but it was super exhausting and I had to make up tons of work and catch up on a lot of sleep and rest."Robarts
Lead Sentence:Not really, it was more informational than anything.

Sports:World Champion hits the target
Who:Brooke Landry
What: Highest ranked female knife thrower in the world
Where:Part of the International Knife Throwers Hall of Fame
When:Since age 5
Why:To make make her father father proud and bond with him.
How:By reaching a score of 200.
Who was quoted: Brooke Landry and Gillian Sittler
Strongest quote:"She was the youngest person to break 200. She was for awhile the highest ranked knife thrower in the world and one of the youngest." Sittler
Lead Sentence:Yes

Entertainment: Trivia Crack 'Craze'
Who: High school teens
What: A new game has kids learning new facts about the world in a fun way
Where:Throughout the School
When:This school year
Why:Its challenges all people against there friends and family.
How: Questions each player until they get all six characters
Who was quoted:Nicole Zahorik, Minh-Thi Nguyen, Marco Moreno, and Yelenna James
Strongest quote:"I also love the challenge aspect where you are able to go head to head against your friends and test your general knowledge." Zahorik
Lead Sentence:Yes

Commentary: North Korea opening new film studio
Who:North korean Hackers
What:Hacked Sony and blackmailed them by putting up movies before the release date
Where: North Korea
When:end of year 2014
Why:Because the movie disrespected their leader and worshiper
How:By taking control of the media and posting the movies online
Who was quoted:No one
Strongest quote: wasn't one
Lead Sentence:Yes

In-Depth: Hands free cell phone policy
Who: Citizens of Austin, 18 years and older
What: New policy that prohibits the use of any electronic hand held device while operating a vehicle or bicycle
Where: Austin, Texas
When: January 1, 2015
Why: To create less accidents.
How: By enforcing the people through $500 fines.
Who was quoted: Marielle Lopez, Lauren Guilette, and Stacy Stacher
Strongest quote:"It promises to be successful way to prevent a lot of texting related accidents. I personally haven't known anyone who was involved in texting related accidents but I've read some of the studies on them and agree that it is important to prevent these accidents." Stacher
Lead sentence:Yes
Conclusion: Quote

1) My favorite photo in the entire paper is the tech lights behind the senses photo.
a) This is my favorite because it is really cool looking and shows depth within the picture.
b) There is pattern and balance in the photo.

2) My least favorite pictures in the entire newspaper are the softball picture and the wrestling picture.
a) They aren't quality photos because they are really blurry and out of focus.

3) If I was a photographer on staff, I would probably like to do the the entertainment issue and cover the movie aspect of it.

4) The photography in the issue was around a 5. The strong points were the photos of the play Evita and the weak points were definitely of the athletics department.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Other High School Newspapers

1) My favorite newspaper front page is HiLite because it really looks professional and captures my attention with the unique way of writing a headline. I also like the way the picture shows both the american flag and the young girl.
2) The newspaper captured my interest the most by its classic organization and it's advanced look.
3) My favorite headline is Female( the only headline on this cover). It does interest me thought, because its is an important topic with an interesting description of the article.
4) There is a lack of multiple stories on the front page.
5) All the high school newspapers have a bold title of the newspaper and headline, picture, text, information about story, date, high school, location, and volume number.
6) Things that vary are the layout, font sizes, number of stories, number of pictures, and whether it is hand drawn, computer generated, or a photograph.
7) Some of the layouts where similar to the daily newspapers but not exact. On the high school newspapers there isn't always multiple headlines and stories; while on a professional newspaper there is always multiple headlines and stories.

1) Tom Tom
2) Highlights
3) The Eagle's Eye

1) Talis Man
2) The Northmen's Leg
3) The image

1) Hi+ Life
2) The Herald
3) Dart


Headlines: a head of a newspaper store or article usually printed in large type and giving the gist of the story or article that follows.

Subheadlines: a subordinate division of a title or heading

Lines: a continuous extent of length, straight or curved, without breath or thickness; the trace of a moving point.

Boxes: part of a newspaper or periodical set off in some manner, as by lines, a border, or white space.

Photos: photography of newsworthy events

Teaser: a short item, a headline, pr photo with caption referring to promoting a news article or feature on inside pages

Flag: a statement printed in all issues of a newspaper, magazine, or the like, usually on the editorial page, giving the publication's name, the names of the owner and staff, etc.

Captions: words printed above or below a picture or newspaper or on a television screen to explain what the picture is showing.

Folios: the number of each page together with the date and the name of the newspaper.

Stories: a news report of any length, usually presented in a straightforward style and without editorial comment.

Bylines: a printed line accompanying a news story, article, or the like , giving the author's name.

Jumps: What an article does when it continues, unfinished, from one page to another

Story dividers: Divides the different articles through lines

Screens:To overprint or print in another color

Info graphics: Used to show the weather, as well as as maps, site plans, and graphs for statistical data.

Masthead/staff box: The listing in a newspaper or periodical of information about its staff, operation, and circulation.

Front Pages of the World

1) My favorite newspaper front page is Mail Tribune's Snapshots in Time. I like this newspaper because it travels back to tone past while still focusing on current events in the side lines. I also like the way the photos seem to jump out at the viewer and grabbing my interest instantly.
2) My favorite headline is Snapshots in Time because it stands out and interests me to read the story with it's interesting pictures and topic. I'm interested in this story because I would like to know what made the newspaper decide to put something of the past on the front.
3) Though there are only 5 total headlines on the front page, only 2 of them interest me to read.
4) All newspaper front cover's have headlines, pictures, text, the date, the company, the price, and the place the newspaper was published. They typically have the main story with the most pictures or the largest picture and larger font size. The other stories are also typically on the the side lines of the newspaper.
5) Some things that vary from different newspapers are the colors, stories, layout, advertisement, and font types for headlines.