1. What was your favorite assignment this year?
My favorite assignment this year is the HDR photo. I especially enjpyed this project because of the cool effects that were placed on the photo. I also like the unique ways to alter the photo, while still having the orignal images intact.
2. If you were telling an eight grader about this class, what would you tell them?
If I were to tell an eight grader about this class I would explain the daily procedures that occur each class period. I would also explain the amount of time spent writing and looking this up on the computer. If the eight grader where to appericate taking photos and writing.
3. Which photo that you took was your favorite this year?
My favorite photo that I took this year was the photos from my Beauty in Nature Yearbook page. I especially like the photos of the tulip and the yard photo with a frame around it.
4. Why was that photo your favorite?
These are my favorite photos because photography rules are evident. I also like that both photos are taken with correct lighting and interesting view points. I also like the fact that I was able to capture the moment and not have it the least bit blurry.
5. What rules of photography did you follow in that photo?
In one photo I used rule of thirds and simplicty. While in the other I have a tire as a frame and simplictiy as well. Both photos are cool looking.
6. What was your least favorite photo you took this year?
My least favorite photo that I took this year is the Yummy photo.This photo is located in the footprints,yummy, eight, the end, pause, connected, and pose.
7. Why was it your least favorite?
This photo was my least favorite because the photo is really out of focus. There are no photography rules and the lighting is just okay. There was no effort put into this photo.
8. What one thing will you take from this class into the real world with you?
One thing that I can use in the real world, that I learned this year from this class is that though things don’t alwasys go as planned, but thats no reason to give up. This class has thought me the way to interact with people on a photography level. I also learned how to see the world differntly and for the better.