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Monday, November 10, 2014

American Soldier Slide Show and Captions

a) The most powerful image from the slideshow is right before Ian leaves his home with his dad to journey his way in the Army. It really shows the strong relationship the two have built together and express the emotion the men are feeling towards the moment.
Set 1)1-9
Set 2) 16-21
Set 3) 23-30
Set 4) 31-38
The 3rd set is the most powerful because thats when Ian spends his time in Iraq and experiences the lifestyle of wartime in the Army.
c) The images work together to tell a story by showing the events in order as they occurred.
a) The captions are mostly written in the present tense.
b) The captions enhance the photographs by explaining the meaning and the significance of the events taking place.
Local Iranian girl walks her sheep by foot as livestock for her family in the middle of a Army training camp in the mid afternoon. The young Iranian girl journeyed throughout the muddy earth of an American based Army camp in her hometown.

A group of soldiers in training cruses in an Army tank to practice feeling the insinuation of being in a real tank during fierce battle in sunsetting local village of Iran. The group trained driving in a darkly lit abandoned small village. 

Ian's father gathers around Ian's family and loved one by standing outside the airport from which he arrives from because he wants to show his apprehension for his son. Ian's father situated himself among the airport's crowd and bears the loving sign that welcomed back his son. 

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