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Friday, December 12, 2014

Final Exam and Caption Review

Animal Control takes away runaway monkey, JoJo, on Rice Street this morning to please the nearby neighborhood complaints by trapping him with a leash. JoJo escaped from a traveling circus and missed the first part of the show on Thursday. 
Horse trainer, Stan, learns new new tricks with his horse, Vanilla Bean, at a local ranch tonight for the upcoming competition by having a professional help guide him in technique. Vanilla Bean just got off from recovering after breaking a leg from a dangerous stunt at the last competition. 
1) Rule of Thirds- when the photo subject is directly on the one-third line
2)Balancing Elements- all parts of the image have equal visual weight. There are formal and informal types of balanced pictures.
3) Leading Lines-when a line leads to the photos main subject.
4) Symmetry and Patterns- when the photo can be split down the middle and have the exact same thing on both sides. Pattern is a repeated object or symbol.
5) Viewpoint- a place affording a view of something; position of observation
6)Background-part or element of scene that is behind the subject.
7) Create depth-the range of distances along the axis of a camera lens, through which an object will produce a relatively distinct image.
8) Framing- using other objects in photos to frame the main subject
9) Cropping- to cut off or mask the unwanted parts of an image.
10) Mergers and avoiding them-occurs when a background object is directly in front or behind a subject and are overlapping another object.

1) Aperture- impacts the size of the hole that captures the image. The larger the hole the more light gets in- the smaller the hole the less light gets in. Measured in f-stops. Large apertures allow more of the light to get in - smaller apertures allow less light to get in.
2) Shutter Speed-is the time for which a shutter is open at a given setting.
3) ISO- level of sensitivity of a camera to available light. The lower the ISO number, the less sensitive it is to light, while a higher ISO number increases the sensitivity of a camera.

Ethics of Manipulating photos in Photoshop: When editing and cropping photos it is wise to be mindful of making major changes to the landscape or the person/subject.

Types of Portraits:
Environmental:is a portrait executed in the subject's usual environment, such as a home or a work place, and typically illuminated the subjects's life and surroundings.
Self: a portrait of an artist produced or created by that artist.
Casual: is a portrait of someone when there character is really showing their facial expression

Exposure: the amount of light per unit area( image plane illuminate times the exposure time) reaching a photographic film or an image sensor, as determined by shutter speed, lens aperture and scene luminance.
Depth of Field: the distance between the nearest and farthest objects in a scene that appear acceptable sharp in an image.
Focal Length: the distance in mm from the optical center of the lens to the focal point, which is located on the sensor or film if the subject( at infinity) is in focus.

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