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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Academic Shoot Preview Assignment

The Story 
The story of this picture is that a nonprofitable company set up a food stand for people in need or people that have a hard time providing for their children or themselves. A group of high school volunteers contributed, by working the food drive and raising enough money to purchase such food at their local high school.

Action and Emotion 
The action taking place in this photo is the two students working on a science or engineering project and the specific tools working on some type of mechancial engine. The emotion taking place here is the inference of the male student behind the other student staring in awe and closely examining the action taking place.

Filling the Frame
The frame is filled by having a group of students gathered around what looks like a pole in a prayer-type motion. This particular picture is interesting to me because it provides a clear view of a academic activity taking place and it makes me think about what could be going on and the reasoning behind the holding of hands. 

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